
ThinkstScapes Research Roundup - Q3 - 2021

Episode Summary

This is the first episode of Thinkst Trends & Takeaways. A quarterly summary of information security research, talks and presentations. Future episodes will focus on research published per quarter but this issue is based on the previous year. Join our host Jacob Torrey as he highlights the research and papers that caught our eye during the preceding 12 months.

Episode Notes


Episode 1 - 2021/Q3

Thinkst Trends and Takeaways is a show released in conjunction with ThinkstScapes, a written quarterly review of information security research published in both industry and academic venues. Thinkst Labs allocates time to tracking industry research so you don’t have to, specifically looking for novel and unusual work that is impactful--this is not simply a report on bugs or vulnerabilities. Work covered here will include both offensive and defensive topics, and we explore academic publications with the same gusto as industry work. Our target listeners are primarily security practitioners in organizations who are tasked with defending their turf, but offensive-minded folks will also be exposed to new ideas and research we’ve come across.

Full bibliography of referenced works:

Embedded security research

Exploiting 'Differences of opinion'


Nifty sundries

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